Retailers are crucial for the global economy. Retail is directly or indirectly responsible for 18% of U.S. GDP and supports more than 41 million jobs in the United States alone.
Therefore is the monumental shifts facing retailers are so important for all of us. We have never seen buy such dramatic and tectonic changes in consumer behaviors, settings, and expectations, driven primarily by new technologies, and form factors. With consumers of more options for when and how they shop meant retailers remain competitive must really put customers at the center of their activity and are looking for new ways to get maximum benefit, to create sales and loyalty.
Need to customize, retailers provide a modern sales and service personal and differentiated, seamless gaming experience. And they need to work with maximum efficiency.
Retailers increasingly contact the cloud to address these challenges. Yearly in 2012 Gartner CIO survey with tier 1 retail CIO cloud computing - as one of the main tasks which assessed their five technology until 2015. [1]
Increased flexibility. Retailers are 365 to improve employee communication and collaboration with Office, so that they move faster, to share best practices, promotions and new products introduce roll-out. BCBGMAXAZRIAGROUPconnects an Office 365-based system memory manager and employees in over 45 countries, enable to replicate the leading fashion house in rolling out promotions and new products faster as well as on best practices in its network of stores, move faster.
Customer Feedback. Feedback received one of the biggest challenges for retailers has historically from shop partners and customers back to the HQ. Through the combination of HQ and stores with State of the art communication and social tools, can retailers faster and lighter recorded and feedback of our customers to act. Red Robin, could you whine, the leader in social network use and part of Office 365 to collect customer feedback and implement the historic changes in just one month, a process lasted a year or longer.
Cost.Customers reduce costs through the Elimination of infrastructure, reduce travel costs, and streamline operations. At Helly Hansen, they expect annual travel expenses to 10-15% cut, by connecting to Office 365 employees, training and show to roll out the latest store promotions and models.
Larger Flexibility. As retailers scale their workers to the top or bottom of seasonality, business openings or purchase, Office 365 will help remove them flexibility by adding, or reassign licenses quickly and easy to grow. And because it is on familiar Office Tools, the training of employees.
Office 365 has become the go-to choice of retailers for software-as-a-service. Six of the ten largest retailers in the United States (according to the National Retail Federation) use Office 365. Our private clients dealing with more than 8 million people, more than the total population of Hong Kong. This well-known global industry leaders such as Tesco, McDonalds, Starbucks, GAP, j.c., Penney, Helly Hansen, Lowes, Coles, Hallmark, Lojas Renner, and hundreds of other retailers.
HF2. Any retailer can tell you that all one size does not fit. Office 365 is tailored to the needs of each type of users – from the boardroom to the floor in packages room on the retail floor. Company the full experience of office workers get, while workers can get browser Office Web apps from any device with a task.
Modern cooperation. Almost 25% retail and food employees are aged between 16 and 24, and this generation is less likely than social networking or text E-mail communication use. Tesco, the third largest retailer in the world, took this idea. The company experienced a cultural change through the implementation of flexible ways work and younger employees to offer the latest technology tools. With Office 365, employees can quickly access to experts, information, and tools to help them make their work regardless of the location.
Office 365 for enterprises includes Yammer that used social network in 85% of the Fortune 500 leading companies. It offers a familiar experience, which promotes openness and embrace and use with minimal training is in a format that employees share.
High-performance applications. Office 365 includes Lync online and Skype for instant messaging, voice and video conferencing; Outlook and Exchange online for email, calendar, contacts and tasks; Whining for social networking; SharePoint online for a shop portal and collaboration; and Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote. These applications are separate, leading in their categories. Together, they are the most complete productivity, communication and collaboration platform available.
Improved security. Most customers moving to Office 365, increase your security and privacy. Office 365 offers far beyond what anyone can deliver a company on its own, supports all Microsoft Advanced security, privacy and compliance controls.
If you are an Office 365 dealer, we want you to hear. How has Office 365 helped revolutionize your business, helped you think differently about your customer admits and helped you succeed and thrive. Visit the Office 365 – Facebook page and tell us your story, or via Twitter at #Office365.
How is the world economy out of the great recession, the retail plays to take an important role in the global employment and growth. We are honored that so many leading retailers decide Office 365 in this time of reinvention.
-Tracy Issel, General Manager, Microsoft worldwide retail and corporate solutions
[1] The report 2013 is available check Gartner in January 2013.
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