Friday, November 1, 2013

Register now: UK Access User Group National Seminar November 21

AppId is over the quota
AppId is over the quota

Access User group logoIf you can't make it to Access Day in Seattle on November 21, why not attend the UK Access User Group 2013 National Seminar at the Microsoft Thames Valley Park in Reading?

The UK Access User Group conference is presented by and for Access enthusiasts, and the fall 2013 seminar features 5 sessions on a variety of topics:

Shape Up Or Ship Out! Microsoft Access Case Study (Presenter: Paul Millennas)
Paul will show how Microsoft Access has been used at Babcock Engineering at Rosyth on £12billion worth of projects including the construction of aircraft carriers, ships and submarines.

Adding Value To Your Applications By Integrating to Accounts Software with Specific Examples
using Sage 50 (Presenter: Tony Bayliss)
Nearly every Access project includes integration, and Tony will show how this has been achieved on some of his recent projects.

The Patient Death--What Happens Next? How a Hospital Handles and Manages the Human Side of a Patient Death (Presenter: John Baker)
John will present a case study of an application used in a key area of the National Health Service.

Web Application in Access 2013 Case Study (Presenter: Alan Cossey)
Alan will take us through the stages of development of an Access 2013 web database which includes both a standard Access front end and a web UI.

The Way Forward: A Discussion Session (Presenter: Rod Gordon)
If you are asked to develop a new system in the years to come, then what technology will you use? Building on the day's presentations, Rod will lead a discussion session considering the different options available to you today and in the coming years.

Book your spot now for the fall 2013 National Seminar, and visit the UK Access User Group site for full seminar details.

View the original article here

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