At the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog post called What's up with these crazy keyboard keys? In it, I answered a question from a lady named Barbara in Cape Cod ("The Cod" call some friends of mine, it lived it) on some of the keys on your keyboard, which mystified (read: upset) her: SysRq, pressure, and roles.
Apparently some of you, I am reluctant to name (Keith and Rayney) which, wrote in on in the following question: if they were in Excel, why were the arrow keys do not jump from one cell to another? Why were they just all move the table up, down, left or right? She asked this question in the form of a comment to a post I wrote last September called change where move the cursor after entering data in Excel. In this post, I explained how to change the direction of the cursor when you press the Enter key. But as Keith said in his comment: "the top you mention above seems close, but no cigar."
Now, even though I was right there on the post, your question answers Keith and Rayney, I'm never really sure whether someone checked back. I mean, I know we are all really busy and we have a lot, what to do, but if you want a question and answer... Now, as always, the very complex answer is here:
Disable the Roles (roles), important press it so little does not light green light on the keyboard. (On my keyboard - which you can here- the roles key to ON set is little green light is lit on an arrow; just press the roles key few times and see, where it indicates whether it turn on or off), it can be on your computer.)
I'm almost 100% positive that works.
And so, you could be questions if this button is so much chaos why it still exists? What is it for? I do not really know. And do I researched on the great Oracle of information and disinformation: the Internet.
Now, we already know that it keeps you from a cell move to the other. And on the note, it is out, many of the computer keyboard with did removed it because it is only a remnant of the old IBM PC keyboard meant to block all scrolling techniques. But why? Why lock scrolling altogether? When should ever do to you? Keith and Rayney don't want to do it and I can imagine that most of you either. (I know that I'm not;) (I enjoy the freedom - no, that right - leaves as I want.)
This is what I found:
The roles functionality is used only for a very few programs, and Excel is one of them. So...Keith, Rayney: What is when you go from cell to cell? What if you over, move up or down a large table? Then, the roles is useful.But what if you ever use Excel? (Use not Excel?) Are you anyway? My grandma? Just kidding! Simmer down - stop composing this e-Mail me!)In the Opera Web browser, you gets voice integrated the roles key in "Listening mode" for that recognition. This seems useful.It is used also for certain behaviors in Linux computer.Macs not used, have the roles key but I read that they do it now. People in this camp apparently thought so, this small function as may also be useful.And so, as it turns out, a hooligan and helpful friend is the roles button. Depends on only what you want to do today.
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