By guest blogger Ellen Finkelstein, PowerPoint MVP and author of numerous books of PowerPoint knowledge. Learn more about her books, and go free tips and reports to
If all your slides look alike, can your entire message blurred. At the end of the presentation you want your audience to the most out your main points, and if they remember some details, this is a plus. To distinguish important films, can you help to follow people and keep the content of your presentation.
Special films especially to handle
Two types of films deserve special treatment:
Organizational slides:This mark, when sections of the presentation start and end. The first slide, section slides and your last slide are the most important examples of organisational slides.Main point slides:These include the main points; in general you should for two to four important points, because people have a hard time more than four remember.How to make you a film from other films withdraw? One of the most important techniques is the layout varies.
You choose the layout you want
PowerPoint layout function allows to choose a layout for every kind of film. PowerPoint has, for example, a section layout for the first slide in each section. If you select a specific layout, layout select with the right mouse button, click the background of the slide, not to an object (such as does not have a text placeholder), on the menu as you see here, and select the desired.
Layout point slides for main
Create a striking layout for your most important points, I recommend I often put the slide title on the left side and a vertical photo on the right, as in the following example shown.
Layouts for the first and last slides
You use a full slide photo one to create clear start and end for the first and the last films, as you see here.
Layouts for content slides
Finally, you can use a layout title & content or title only for the rest of the slides. These films are ideal for most of your content, because it details easily and flexibly to create.
Creating custom layouts
If you cannot find an existing layout that fits your needs, you can create your own. Click on the View tab, and then click the button slide master in the master views Group. The slide master is displayed.
Select on the slide master tab,in the Edit group masterinsert layout. A new layout is displayed in the left pane. Again on the slide master tab,in the master layout group, click on the placeholder Insert button down arrow and choose one of the eight wildcards. Drag on the slide to size and set the placeholder. Place another wildcard, put them out as needed. When you are finished, click the layout in the left pane you have created, and show the slide master tab. In the the edit master group, click the Rename button. Give a name and then click Rename. Your presentation now contains the new layout, and you can use it the same way you would choose one of the standard layouts for each slide. If you want to use the layout in the future, save the file as a template (POTX or POTX-, if it contains macros) or design (Thmx).Example presentation layouts
In the simplified representation below I've labeled different types of slides, so you can see how everyone a layout and appearance of their role is in a presentation.
My recommendations are only suggestions; should be from a variety of ideas to see which works best for you. It aims, the slides with your most important content have the most striking design-make and you can see here, such as layout, an integral part of the overall design is film. With this layout techniques slide helps more than create good looking-it helps your audience to ensure understanding and remembering your key messages and your content to walk away. Now, they are off to try it!
--Ellen Finkelstein
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