Sunday, October 21, 2012

Entwerfen für Tabletten & kleine Bildschirme

We have with the upcoming launch of Windows 8 Outlook, much on the new generation of touch devices in the next working years has become mainstream is being developed. Outlook-2013 fits based on the device you use and still the prospects you know. When you start Outlook on a Tablet PC, you will notice that the layout changes to provide a great experience touch! Also, when you start Outlook on a device with a small screen, you'll see, that Outlook of the screen real estate and puts your content in the.

On Windows 8 tablets are the navigation area and reduced the Ribbon to give you maximum properties for the actual content. This also means that your thumb reach easy to scroll the message list. Outlook switches to Touch mode by default for tablets. This trigger across certain optimizations that use Outlook Help instead of touch devices.

Is one of the most notable improvements the touch mode and one of our favorite features of the touch action bar. It is conveniently, at the right of the screen, so that you can use your thumb to common actions such as reply, Delete unread quickly perform flag and mark.

In touch mode, the mail, calendar, people and task icons are larger, so that you can easily tap to change modules. Folder name, Ribbon buttons, and the quick action toolbar (QAT) buttons are staggered to touch it more easily.

The calendar does not forget, when we design started for touch devices! Try claws to switch between day/week to switch between different views views and pinching. It is fast, fun and of course.

On a convertible device such as a touch screen laptop Outlook can not you in touch optimized settings by default. But still you can not be afraid, all the goodness of touch mode! Click the drop down in the QAT and select Touch mode;The following icon is displayed. Click here, manually switch goodness to all the "touchy".

In addition to the improvements that we for tablets, we also realized that an ever greater number of Outlook users decide for compact devices with smaller screens. In Outlook 2013, we have many optimizations to ensure that user the most out of Outlook ever made.

Outlook detects that a compact device, and the navigation pane and the Ribbon by default to reduce, as well as for tablets. Headers of the Outlook social connector use smaller pictures and shrink in size.

The good news is that you get your hands on all of this today! Go ahead and use the Windows 8 Preview and Outlook 2013 Customer Preview for your kompakt-and tablet devices and you check it out!

You can also read more about improvements in Office to touch on the next Office blog.

--Teresa Thomas, Outlook program manager
--Kirk Fernandes, Outlook program manager

View the original article here

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