Monday, December 31, 2012

Getting to Know Adobe’s University Talent Team: Kelly Orasin

As a marathon runner I know the meaning of commitment. Completing a race takes months of training and proper nutrition.  After 5 months of early morning runs and very sore legs, I completed my first marathon in March of this last year. I couldn’t believe it.  Not only did I finish, but I actually did so in a faster time then I predicted! Many asked if I would ever run another full-marathon again. If they had asked me at mile 20, I would have said no, not a chance. But looking back on the long journey and hard work it took to complete the race I actually miss the runs and the sore legs. So now after mile 26.2 the answer is yes, please sign me up.

Like my marathon training it takes time for a company to become successful. Stability and profitability are just some of the accomplishments a company can achieve if it is committed to achieving its goals. I have worked as a University Talent Recruiter for several high tech companies around the Bay Area, recruiting engineers for internships and entry level roles. I currently support the Digital Marketing business unit at Adobe.  My role is a hybrid of recruitment, event planning, and project management.  To recruit the best and brightest talent across the country I travel to college campuses to participate in career fairs, information sessions, and networking events.

One of the reasons I decided to join Adobe was because of the company’s dedication and commitment to its employees and customers. Over the years, Adobe has re-defined its position within the software industry and recently made it a goal to change the world through digital experiences.  I look forward to being part of that journey ahead. Challenges and obstacles aside, I know Adobe will finish the race and perhaps do better than they predicted!

I hope to meet some of you at our University events across the country. In the meantime, I encourage you to explore enriching career opportunities with us. Feel free to contact me if you have questions regarding career opportunities at Adobe.

View the original article here

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