Monday, July 4, 2011

Computers: You can Master any program

There was a time where I thought that I would never be a "computer" person I was in the seventh year, taking a class with MS-DOS and a program called turtle. (I know why they called it turtle.) It was enough devilishly slow). I had to just key in about 50 commands to draw a line of half inch. I did all this that qualified for this. A small typo and my line going in the wrong direction total. I got a C + in the class.

Today, I am a non computer geek. I can learn virtually any graphics, text processing or a program of public services on the fly, and I even surprise myself with tips html from time to time. Now for the good news: so can you. "No, I can't!" say you. Yes, you CAN.

Today's children are tech-heads. Never light a child four years to capture the mouse and start web-surfing, as it was nothing? It happens all the time. At the age of 15 years, children are the Web design and manipulation of photos as old pros. How can this be? They grow more intelligent nowadays?

Well, I know that some parents who will tell you so, but the truth is, computer today, programs are designed to maintain an average human inexperienced can learn quickly and apply them in multiple ways. We call the Applications because they are supposed to be applied to practical use to improve our quality of life.

MS-DOS I mentioned in my introduction. For the most part, the user is not need to know a thing about MS-DOS. The reason? Modern computers run on operating systems, such as Windows PC and the Mac OS. The operating system covers wacky appearance all that code from MS-DOS with windows and buttons that beg us practically out loud, "click ME!" And click on them that we do.

As the operating system, most programs use what is called an interface: as shell or skin which hides the code and you can browse and manipulate with simple clicks and orders. This interface is what allows us to just hang out on the most and beginning of things occur on the computer without knowing a thing see programming or codes or what either.

It is these Windows that we can open and close, we can click buttons and menus, we can get down with our trusty mouse, which has tasks of great magnitude in record time, with these powerful machines. We can do some incredible things just by pointing and clicking. If you think that this subject long enough, he could blow your mind.

Point and click. This is the basic concept of the use of the mouse, and it is also a simple method that 3 years it take with ease. SEE, CATCH. This is how the work of computers, in a nutshell. With this concept in mind, computer programmers is a beautiful thing for us all respectful users: they have sufficient to develop a standard method to navigate in most programs.

Search... and find. It is essentially the fact that your main points and clicks on your brain. Whenever you use a program, you are looking for a word or a symbol or a button that will perform a desired action or take you to a desired destination. So, what is the great challenge? The word that describes the action that you should think to made. Words like... SAVE. MOVE. DELETE. CHANGE. COPY. PULP. You know these words! And you can learn words even easier.

Now, I ask you, what could be easier than to learn the simple language of computer use?

If you want to perform any action in any program, go to the top of the screen and read the words y. With few exceptions, most of them said things like file, view, EDIT, FORMAT, tools, help. If you click on each of these words in any program, they bring a menu of options more. (I probably unnecessary to explain this, but I try to make a point here).

For example, use the file menu. We all know what is behind door number one. NEW file, save, print... Damn, it's too easy isn't. Let me now point five more general facts about computer programs:

In most word processing programs, drop-down menus are all much the same.

In most illustration programs, the drop-down menus are all substantially the same.

In most programs of public services, drop-down menus are all substantially the same.

In most photo editing programs, the drop-down menus are all substantially the same.

In most Internet browsers, the drop-down menus are all substantially the same.

Why take such pains to report this? Because I want to shed light on what is often overlooked by the capricious user. Because text processing menus most contain identical or menus drop down almost identical, if you know a word processing program, you pretty much know all the. This applies for all other categories of programs as well. And even if the menus are not identical, you know the language. You can hunt the words that perform unwanted actions.

At this stage, I would like to thank you for paste through this tirade with me, what can I do my final point:

The only thing you taking new learning computer programs is your own attitude underperformance. Point and click. Seek and find. There is nothing easier than this. For any person over there who argues that they are just "not a tecchie" and that he cannot learn programs: does step doubt yourself. You can learn the programs!

If you master Photoshop, you will be able to use any Photoshop knock-off program with relative ease. If you learn Microsoft Outlook, you should have little or no problem with other e-mail management programs. This is true for all kinds of programs.

How can you become skilled in the major categories of computer programs? Search free, downloadable instructions on the internet, or pay a small amount of training books. Connect with a computer-savvy friend a tutorial soon. Click on the Help menu and read each issue explained. To do this, and Masters programs during the rescue of the thousands of computer training classes that you do not need.

Open your mind, and you will see what is before you; the incredible world of computers and the miraculous acts, you can perform through them by your own little hand. You know much more that you think that you are familiar with. Then click with the mouse and take your power.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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