Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Let the image dance for your tunes… Image Slideshows with audio using Adobe Captivate 5.5

February 11, 2012

One of my favorite feature in Audio Editing dialog is, starting the next slide at a specific location at the audio waveform… just have to click ‘Select next slide at the cursor position’ button or simply press Ctrl+S or Cmd+S. Are you wondering what’s the fun? The fun begins when you want to play the pictures of an Image Slideshow according to the beats of an audio. What am I talking about? Watch the video below and see how the images change according to the music.

How did I achieve this?

The logic behind is simple… whenever we press Cmd+S or Ctrl+S when we are in Audio dialog the next slide starts at the cursor position. What you need to do is, play the audio, press the key whenever you feel the next slide needs to appear. Watch the demo below which explains step-by-step how to achieve this.

Hope you enjoyed this… please let me know your thoughts!

View the original article here

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