The Decatur Golden Gators football team is the pitch (a field you uninitiated people) must take in order to perfect their skills and new competitors to beat. The coach is always dizzy, and, to be honest, fiscally concerned. Buy snake, mini-vans, snacks, replace broken merchandise and purchase Beiber ticket is not cheap!
Manage all these issues and they roll up into a spreadsheet is pushing the limits of his knowledge of Excel. He has various worksheets for transport, tasty treats, website-hosting - he cuts and adds numbers of anyone in his household. Cntl + C inevitably leads to errors.
The Excel consolidate feature provides an easy way of the coach his data from different worksheets merge into a main worksheet, a more complete picture of his expenses allowed him (in fact, he can merge up to 256 worksheets!). With the consolidation function, the beleaguered coach get handle to motivate team expenses and focus more on the team.
The steps to merge or consolidate, data are pretty simple. Here is how to do it.
Use our sample workbook or if you learn through their own workbook, you need to do the following:
The workbook contains multiple worksheets the workbook (or else there is not much point using the consolidate function) a home should contain worksheet, for the consolidation of the data, analysis are most important worksheet that you must use for the column and row headers the same name1. Create a home worksheet worksheet in your workbook that uses the same column and header name as the other worksheets. In this scenario, we call the home total.
(2) Select the cells in which you want to merge data from your other worksheets, on the worksheet effort .
3. Click the tab, click data , and then click the consolidate button in the Data tools .
4. Consolidate dialog box, click the highlighted button next to the field reference .
5. Click on the transport - worksheet-tab, to view it.
6. In the worksheet, select the transport all data you in total filename_ want to merge. In this exercise, simply select the data costs .
7. Click on the right side of the field consolidate - reference to return to consolidate dialog box.
8. The consolidate dialog Add , click the button to add the transport data, you just selected. This step ensures that the transport data, you just selected in the total expenses worksheet are merged.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 described to consolidate the other worksheets in total filename_.
10 Once you have added all the worksheets that you want to merge into the total filename_, click OK in the dialog box for the consolidate button .
The hapless coaches followed the steps above, and now its total expenditure worksheet looks like this:
Better budgeting means more Beiber!
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