Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Have you made a polar point presentation? A what?

I was going through the new urban dictionaries for the Windows phone app , when I came in a term that I had never heard. Now, that's what Urban Dictionary is: riffing on hip jargon of today, but still the word of the day for March 22 for a loop me took:

If the temperature in a conference or meeting room is way refused to ensure that no one can nod off during a meeting.

Is hosed again man, the temperature in this space? My fingers were deaf to end this meeting in an employee!
No, I saw it the temperature up to about 20 degrees right jack began before the meeting. Bob rock to sleep each if they increase a polar point presentation.

You have it, or better yet, it is done? Let us know. How about any other Urban Dictionary definitions: Powerpoint Monkey, Powerpoint coma, PowerPoint Mono tonics, Powerpoint picnic, Excel Ninjaor Outlookdyscalendaria?

--Doug Thomas

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