Sunday, April 24, 2011

Photoshop Elements 8 - Eye whitening tutorial

We will focus on the eyes. In the tutorial of 'whitening eye' , I'll show you how to 'fix red eyes. I want you think of these feared peaks where you been captured "red eyed" so to speak, or the white of the eyes are not... Well... they are simply not white or clear as you want to be! Now imagine that I walk you through some steps, the advantages that Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements can do for you in these situations, and just how easy it is.

They say that the eyes are the Windows to the soul... So lets start by transforming one of the most important features on our face.

Before you begin, select the image you want to work.

Click file in the menu bar, click Open and navigate to the image that you want to use.

1. Select the white of the eyes.

2 Zoom on one eye.

Click on the icon for the tool box that looks like a magnifying glass.

3. In the Toolbox, click on the lasso icon and select the polygonal lasso.

4. Using the polygonal lasso, click into the white of the eye, leaving to the iris.

5 Holding the SHIFT key make your cursor across the iris and to do the same.

Don't forget that you do not have to hold the SHIFT key, once you have started, the more little sign next to the polygonal lasso indicates that you add to an existing selection.

6 Holding down the space bar Scrolls the other eye and do same using the SHIFT key.

7. In the options bar click on refine edge.

8. In the pen cursor, it is advisable to have your defined pixels to five.

Feathering is a technique used to soften the edges of an image to the foreground blending of the image background with less contrast.

9 Click on the adjustment layer icon. It is a circle half black, half white.

10 Select the hue/saturation in the menu dropdown. The hue/saturation or palette area will appear on the screen.

11. Now using the brightness slider he move to the right to brighten the eyes.

Try to find a natural light to the eyes, autour of approximately thirty generally does the trick.

12. If you want to see the before and after results, go to the bottom of the preview area and deselect to view the previous result and select to see the current results.

13. Click OK and you are done!

Then, we look at the, Healing Brush tutorial I'll show you how digitally cover those annoying stains you leaving "picture perfect!"

It is Margareta Koopu you providing useful tutorials on Adobe Photoshop & Photoshop Elements. For more information visit my website at

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