If the icon view full-size workbook in the Microsoft Excel Web app black bar (above), then, the workbook in a new browser window (or tab) appears, and you will see a button Excel Download above the worksheet grid.
If you Excel on your computer (Excel 2007 or later) installed, download the workbook on your computer and then open it in Excel. In the workbook, you will see, the rules for the conditional formatting to each of the data regions such as the following: 1. Select the range, click the Start on conditional formatting tab, and then click manage rules. 2. Select to check the following ranges of cells in that, their rules to the conditional formatting: for the city temperatures, you select annual total. choose Notendurchschnitte B7, for the students: B20.You choose for the East Regiion Actuual cost B24: E24.Select region B26 actual costs for the North: E26.Select region B28 actual costs for the South: E28.Select region B30 actual costs for the West: E30. 3. Conditional formatting rules Manager dialog box, which appears, click Edit Rule.Learn more about formatting with these articles Conditonal and videos on Office.com: and be sure to see that some great Excel blog posts product team looking after the keyword "conditional".--Gary Willoughby
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