Sunday, May 22, 2011

Who else wants to free software for Windows?

Free? Cannot be any good!

There is no so much! The quality, availability and range of free software for windows is excellent and rivals, if not improving some consumer applications.

So, what kind of applications are available?

Anything you can think of. I do intend to list all available because it would take hours and you can easily do a standard search in your browser, but to prepare for a long list to go through.

A good starting point for Windows is This site is not list everything that rather that it lists the most popular.

Then let's have a look at some people.

One of the most popular is Open Office. Which is a suite of features big, full of tools for word processing and spreadsheets. Compatible with and a free replacement for Microsoft Word documents. Also, it supports the OpenDocument Format and has something that do not have other suites, the ability to transform your documents in PDF format.

Better still, can be downloaded and used entirely free of all rights of licence. OpenOffice is released under the LGPL. This means that you can use it for purposes - domestic, commercial, educational, public administration. You can install it on as many PCs as you like. You can make copies and give them to the family, friends, students, employees - anyone you like.

OK, we have recorded about $500. See what is proposed.

There are browser, customer of email, FTP, media players clients, personal finance and so on and on and on.

One of my favorites that I use many is Gimp. Full name, GNU Image Manipulation Program. However, it is much more than a program simple manipulation. GIMP, is in fact a rival for Photoshop and its uses extend to the creation of graphics, photo enhancement, special effects, drawing, the list will cover any graphic operation you can think of.

A big more with Gimp is the ability to open Photoshop PSD files with its layer information allowing you to edit ycoilenough f of the PSD.

First of all, I came across Gimp on the rare occasions where occurred on a Linux system and thought that it was just the version of Linux to Windows Paint accessory. Boy, was I wrong!

While it is quite easy to start using the suite Open Office Gimp is a whole new learning curve. It is after all a fairly comprehensive program. Fortunately, the internet is full of tutorials of various levels and quality covering different aspects of the use of Gimp.

Unfortunately because there are so many can take hours, even days sort out the wheat from the chaff and really get what you want to know to get started. Many of them is the text and screenshots are only which is not always as easy to follow as the video where you can really see what was going on.

We've now saved ourselves about $700.

While it has many more open source free applications out there to be reviewed, I will have to end here and cover them in to other articles, so attention to people.

It's really worth investigating software open source available. Apart from the really specialized programs, you will find certainly all the programs that you will ever need free of charge.

With these programmers who give their time and talents to create these excellent free applications.

I am the creator of Videos of Gimp a guide comprehensive video start with Gimp. You can find that the videos here = >

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