Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to use the Dodge and burn tool in Photoshop

Dodge and Burn tool is efficient on flat shadow images donations. The Dodge tool lightens the image and shows details for the darker side of images. At the same time as combustion tool makes dark images it also brings retail to expose parts of the image.

You can use these two tools to get the effect you want in your image. In my case, I sometimes use the dodge and burn tool if I want to add lighting effects in my designs. You can use the dodge and burn tool on any image that you want to change and as long as you follow this tutorial it would be easy to use these tools.

To begin, open your Photoshop then go to file and select open and check the image that you want to use. If you made your drawings or art in Photoshop and wanted to just use dodge and burn tool there is no need to follow the steps in the above reference.

It is good to have an independent to the diaphragm and the burning layer so that it would be easier to erase them, delete, hide and change its opacity. In this way, you can damage the background layer or the image layer.

Go to the layer window or palette , and then select create a new layer icon at the bottom.
After you have created a new layer, select the Mode and select Overlay.
And then select the check box to check and fill with overlay (50% Gray) and then click Ok.
The name of your new layer.
You can also create 2 new layers, one for the diaphragm and the other for combustion. It is made easier.

You can now begin to Dodge and burn. Just go to the menu tool left and select tool dodge and burn tool. It depends on you that which you first use. After you have selected the tool, look at the top of the screen options bar. You will see brush and then choose the type of brush, you will use. Then on the side of the brush, you can see the range and exposure. Sometimes people leave just the range defined in the mid-tones.

You can set exposure to 100%, but with a different range; It depends on you.
The range of correction on the tones of the image will have an impact on the lighter, more dark and average.

After that go to the color palette in the left tool menu then change the color.

Combustion use black and white diaphragm.

Finally, the most important is your source of light and the direction for best results. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, just he cancel or go to the history window. I hope that this tutorial has been a useful for you.

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