Sunday, May 29, 2011

Zombies, but in a good way: 20 how - to, die only is not

Vintage doll by iStockphotos from to the need-to-know info to Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word Office users to keep?

Since George of Romero's 1968 movie Night of the Living Dead, zombies have kept in popular culture, as well, as zombies appear. They appear when and where they are least expected fun for some, creating chaos and fear for others.

But what is with zombie blog posts-old posts that reasonably expect, now pixel dust have decay? Used are not blog posts such as Krapfen--best on the day that they are?

Think you, the readers of blogs Office, apparently not so. I recently combed through our blog stats and discovered a milling mass of zombie post-at the age of 6 months to 5 years old-, which are still many, many visits get.

"No surprise" category for Excel

Excel Help authors Gary Willoughby and Frederique Klitgaard have their fingers on the pulses of Excel users, and to raise no eyebrow on my list. "they are quite frequently asked questions and popular features," said Gary. For example, "were chart fill pattern a problem in Excel 2007. nobody find surprise for you," said Frederique.

This Excel classic among the 25 most visited posts in the last few weeks:

Outlook perennial favorites

Word's most popular posts

PowerPoint greatest hits

Access oldie but goodie

Last thought: Zombies have long enough already, they need their own support group. Support for your Office application you must, go on

-Ramona Gault is a technical editor, which supports the Office blog team.

View the original article here

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